[APAK logo] Issue #70, November 22nd, 1996

And Now, Your Letters

[ APH: As one might certainly expect, we've had a few letters commenting on the revelation of the missing TAFF money, as covered in issue #69. We start with a letter from DALE SPEIRS (Box 6830, Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 2E7) who offers an observation on Martin Tudor that has certainly occurred to me too: ]

'Received Apak #69 today, and a real barn-burner of an issue it was. If it weren't for bad luck, Martin Tudor would have no luck at all. I see no problem with the Brits not saying anything about Abi Frost and the missing money until after the TAFF tour. An early start to the controversy would not have resolved matters any sooner and would only have ruined the trip.

'No doubt fanzines will quickly plug up with speculation about how English (not British) law operates. Are there any Britfans with real legal experience who can provide us with details on how matters might proceed? Is TAFF incorporated? Are Tudor and possibly the voters the only ones who can initiate an action? Or can others file a complaint with the police and have it processed as a criminal action? Or will she declare bankruptcy and gain some sympathy for her suffering? And suffering it must have been, knowing that the truth would be out eventually, that in the meantime she was associating with fandom under false pretenses, that the jig would be up when Martin Tudor came by for the money and the financial records. The estimate of Pound2,600 works out to roughly $5,000 to $6,000 Canadian, prices slightly lower in USA. That is serious money indeed.'

[ APH: These and similar questions occurred to almost everyone interested in TAFF in the wake of the announcement that the money was missing; I think we can be very grateful that many of them did not have to be directly answered. While I'm still quite unhappy with Abi for letting things get so far out of hand, no matter what her mental state may have been, I'm very glad that she has at least made some gesture toward resolving the issue. TAFF constitutes a social contract, not a legal one, and it would be very difficult to prove that she was liable for the missing money if she had chosen to contest any such claim against her. For this reason, if for no other, I hope we can eventually forgive Abi, and let her do what she can to live these unfortunate events down.

Other writers focused on the decision not to inform "the world" for some months after the truth was known. While no one is really violently perturbed about this, it continues to give some fans, such as TEDDY HARVIA (701 Regency Drive, Hurst, TX 76054-2307), pause: ]

'Thanks for reporting that TAFF loss in detail. In this age of coverups and alleged coverups, I agree that delaying the report did more harm than good. The truth in L.A. would have generated more sympathy and support than argument and recrimination. Resolution now I think will take longer. In a system based on trust how do we implement safeguards against repeats? Fans are always gafiating and for some poor fans a farewell gift of several thousand dollars is extremely tempting. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Perhaps parallel links might help. Except for fandom's aversion to bureaucracy.'

[ APH: Teddy adds a Koala Bear sticker to his poctsarcd, who points out that British citizens in financial distress were at one time transported to Australia, leaving open the possibility that Abi might like to stand for GUFF some day.

I agree that fans' reactions would have been 99% positive had Martin made the information public, but I think we should remember that Abi was not communicating with him, nor, as far as could be determined, anyone else. He couldn't have told us the whole story even if he'd wanted to. Also, put yourself in his shoes and imagine meeting people and having to say something to the effect of, "Yes, I am the poor dumb bastard who got the shaft. And how's by you then?" I think I might have made the same decision.

JERRY KAUFMAN (3522 N.E. 123rd St., Seattle, WA 98125 e-mail to JAKaufman@aol.com) spoke for many of us in his bafflement: ]

'You entirely flabbergasted me with actual news. 2600 pounds; that's close to $5,000, isn't it? I don't know Abi Frost at all well, but I've enjoyed our meetings in Britain and here in Seattle. Now to hear this news, and to infer that she made all that money disappear (and was, as Dan seems to imply, angling for more), is deeply disappointing and even shocking. I don't want to believe it of her, and would be glad to hear what Abi might have to say.

'For years I've been very proud of the way fandom in the form of TAFF, DUFF and other fan funds have been able to operate on faith, outside of laws and regulations. This may be at an end. It may be time to put TAFF, DUFF, etc. under the wing of some existing non-profit organization, or create one just for each fan fund. Of course, this may create much more paperwork than any two administrators care to handle, and the difficulties of running such a creation internationally may be more than such a small enterprise can survive.

'Here's some stray wonderings I've been wondering at: TAFF, often embattled in the last ten or fifteen years, has four candidates (I hear), while DUFF, a relatively calm and exotic fund, has only one candidate and has extended the deadline for nominations . . . Of the four candidates whose names were spoken at Vanguard, two are Seattle residents and two are making serious noises about moving here sooner or later. Why are these things true?

'I read several paragraphs of the lead story to Suzle over the phone during Vanguard, and described Lesley's cartoon as well, but after only a bit of thought, I've decided that it depicts a premature burial. TAFF has walked out of burning buildings, flooded tanks, crashing planes, and other Saturday serial cliffhangers. This is going to be a tougher struggle, but I expect the tombstone will tumble and the coffin lid will creak open.

'Moving on to Randy Byers, I find myself quoted, and wishing I remembered I'd said that line about the New Fen going directly from neohood to gafiation. I must have said it; it sounds just like me. Of course, I was working a change on an Oscar Wilde line about America having gone from barbarism to decadence without having had civilization in between.

'Sharee Carton. Mamma mia. I understand your longing.

'I saw The Valdez Horses, the movie based on LeeH's book, many years ago. I think it starred Charles Bronson, but I don't remember another thing about it.'

[ APH: The movie you are speaking of was released with the title Chino, and re-titled The Valdez Horses on video. Directed by John Sturges, and starring Charles Bronson and the late Jill Ireland, it was shot by an Italian company and featured an Italian supporting cast. It was made in 1973, but not released until 1976 in the U.S. Considering the near total dearth of westerns during that period, it should be no surprise that it played very, very briefly.

DUFF has at least one more candidate now; see page four.

My only reservation about creating a supervisory body to deal with the fan funds is that dealing with these issues is one of the things which an administrator is supposed to do in exchange for the honor of receiving the fund. It makes sense to me to create a kind of legal contract for the fund-winner to sign before they receive any of the money, but I think the responsibilities -- and perogatives -- of the administrator ought to remain much as they are now.

Many of our correspondents were reluctant to comment on the TAFF issue until they had more of the story, and, like TED WHITE (1014 N. Tuckahoe, Falls Church, VA, e-mail to twhite@logotel.com), focused on other elements of #69: ]

'Ah, the perils of frequent publication and deadlines! I had but received Apak 69 in the mail when I received the latest e-mail from Gary Farber, in England, detailing his contact with Abi Frost. I'm sure you did too. It's all moving too fast for me -- but in the right direction, we can hope. I'll forego all public comment until things have sorted themselves out.

'I was fascinated by Randy Byers' take on the 1984 LACon, and amused by his statement that, at that con, I "was cultivating Victor." At the time I thought it was the other way around, mind you, but that convention began my acquaintance with Victor -- an acquaintance which has with time (and certain substances) developed into a solid long-term friendship. The parties Randy mentioned were indeed in my (increasingly) smoke-filled room, and the "sheaves of paper" pertaining to Topic A were mine (correspondence between the various parties concerned). I enjoyed the party at which we created the fwa a lot more. (I believe it was Avedon who was selected the first Past President.) I'm reassured to hear that "Wit flowed like wine," and all I wish is that I (or someone) could recall enough of it to quote. *Sigh* . . . .

'I was very pleased to see Bob Tucker writing at some length about Lee Hoffman's westerns. They are all well worth reading. I can take minor credit for them: I was writing my first books (for Ace and Lancer) and bubbling over with my involvement in the process at every fannish social occasion, particularly Fanoclast meetings (at my Brooklyn apartment). Lee had been toying with writing various things before then (and had already revealed herself in the bits she showed some of us to be a better writer than I was) and I think I goaded her into finishing her first western novel, which I read in manuscript. I raved about it to people, among them Terry Carr (then at Ace), and that led to his commissioning her to write Blackjack Sam. (The details are foggy now; no doubt Lee remembers them better -- is she on your mailing list? -- maybe it was Wollheim rather than Carr who commissioned the book . . . .) She sold several westerns to Ace before doing The Valdez Horses as a hardcover, and I read them all with much pleasure. I have always thought Lee an excellent professional writer, intensely readable . . . although I had trouble with the formula she used in her "Savannah York" novels . . . . She and I tried twice to sell collaborations: a mundane juvenile (hardcover) series set in NYC (Crown asked for it and rejected it when they abandoned their juvenile line), and an SF/western (time-travel between the late 20th century -- aha! -- and the 1880s, presenting the Old West as it Really Was, complete with English tourists), which fell between the cracks for every editor who saw it (none could get beyond Categories). I regret that, because I really enjoyed working professionally with Lee.

'Publishing for the Web is a lot like putting magazines out in national (or international) distribution, as I used to do with Amazing and Fantastic: anyone might read it, but do you care? Don't admit to illegal practices and it hardly matters.

'The real question is, do you consider that vast, blank-faced audience when putting together an issue? Or are you writing/editing for your known audience? I hope it is the latter; let the faceless Others peer over the shoulders of your known audience, even as generations to come who may find old copies at Convention Auctions or in someone's attic or basement will. Or, even as you did, reading a back file of Pongs. If someone reads this fanzine on the Net and feels an urge to respond and join in, fine. Otherwise, they are ethereal and without form or substance, as far as I am concerned.'

[ VMG: The whole story would take thousands of words, of course, but I also remember that fwa party fondly, if disjointedly. What I remember best was the huge quantity of Topic A correspondence I went through, and the many friends I met. It was my first worldcon. It may have been that Jerry Jacks was cultivating both of us.  ]

[ APH: We don't have Lee on the mailing list, as other fans advised me that she was no longer sufficiently intent on fandom to want to read a then bi-weekly fanzine. Seeing as we're talking about her so much, I think I'll package up the last few issues and send them to her.

Now, a letter with more TAFF-related content, from ROBERT LICHTMAN (P.O. Box 30, Glen Ellen, CA 95442): ]

'When I first heard of the missing TAFF funds and Abi's seeming disappearance, my first concern was that I hoped she was all right. So it was with considerable relief that I received the news in your phone call on November 7th telling me Gary Farber had succeeded in making contact, that everything was explained insofar as why the funds are missing and that (no matter what one thinks about her using them in the fashion she did) repayment has already begun. With a TAFF race looming on the horizon, it would be good to put this matter to rest, to not plunge all fandom into war, to take Abi's promise to repay at face value, and to focus on TAFF's positive aspects.

'Victor's assertion to the contrary, I find it quite reasonable that knowledge of the absence of the British TAFF funds was kept private until after Martin and Helena's trip was behind them. As even he acknowledges, Martin's trip would have been "compromised" in that it would have turned into an endless round of his having to explain the situation rather than a chance to meet and hang out with American fans. I'm personally very happy that I didn't have to feel compelled to hear him relate the tale. Instead. I helped him sort and prioritize a huge batch of auction material he was traveling with, and later bought some of it. It didn't make one bit of difference to me that complete information about the state of the British half of the fund wasn't known. Fundraising is fundraising.

'Good article by Randy Byers, and not just cause he springboarded off my comment. However, regarding that, I was being pretty expansive in including him as one of the fwa founders for the reasons he describes here: he was just following Victor around after his failure to connect with Sharee Carton, and happened to be led to some good parties where Deep Fan Shit was being discussed. I felt I got to know him better at this Worldcon, despite his characterizing himself as a fringe fan. Some on my best friends are fringe fans.

'I love it that carl voted for Elmer Perdue for best fanwriter in last year's FAAN awards. Whether fan or fowl, carl has good taste.

'Regarding your surmise that it was Greg Shaw's Who Put the Bomp that I was referring to when I reminded you that he more or less simultaneously with Paul Williams invented the rock fanzine, it was Mojo Navigator Rock 'n' Roll News.'

[ VMG: "Even" I admitted the trip would be compromised. I don't really feel the need to belabor this point, but sometimes you just have to write what you feel. Sometimes all the answers work out, and there's no one to blame, but there's still something wrong. I expressed my feelings, and to some degree, I still have them. If it happened again, would you also think it right to keep the knowledge away from the majority of the fans who put the money there in the first place? Maybe so. I have the greatest sympathy for Martin and Helena, whose visit in Seattle I enjoyed. I wouldn't have wished them a terrible trip. And yet, something sticks in my craw. ]

[ APH: I think it is to fandom's general credit that when many fans heard of Abi's problems with the fund, their first concern was for her well-being.

Also bringing me to task for my assumptions in regard to music fanzines was HARRY WARNER (423 Summit Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740): ]

'Paul Williams was a little late to have invented music fanzines. The first periodical of that sort I've read about was Musica Critica, produced by Mattheseon, a musicologist and composer, starting in 1722. English language music fanzines, according to Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, began with The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, which first appeared in 1818. The list of types of material it desired is almost identical with the wishes of a sercon science fiction fanzine: letters to the editor, reviews, articles, criticism and poetry. Well, not many fanzines nowadays run poetry but it appears in Langley Searles' Fantasy Commentator every issue. The Musical World came along in 1844, and must have been more like our faannish fanzines, because the Grove's article says: "Few periodicals have embraced a more varied and curious mass of literature more or less directly connected with music, and in a great measure of a humorous, often Rabelaisian cast." "Clever humorous caricatures" were also published in it, although Bill Rotsler wasn't around yet to help out. There were even subfandoms in music fandom. The Meister was a Wagner fandom publication that first appeared in 1888 in England (and an American Wagner Society is still publishing a quarterly zine.) Journal SpÈcial de Musique Militaire was a long-lived French periodical specializing in military music. In the United States, Grove says, there existed in 1906 "about sixty weekly, semi-monthly and monthly journals ostensibly devoted to music," including some that catered to banjo and mandolin clubs, small dance orchestras "and the like".'

[ APH: I stand both corrected and delighted, Harry; thank your for the information.

Also commenting on recent literary references, among other things, is GEORGE FLYNN (P.O. Box 1069, Kendall Sq. Station, Cambridge, MA 02142): ]

'Thanks for Apparatchik 69. Disturbing news about TAFF. As far as I know, DUFF is solvent, but the problem there seems to be a dearth of candidates who are both qualified and willing: we had a lot of discussion about this at Ditto.

'By the way, Ditto was quite pleasant, in spite of? because of? having only 13 attendees (including three Hugo administrators). Most of us spent nearly all our time together, including going to Mexico en masse; they let us back in, too. One of the main activities was reading copies of 1945 fanzines.

'One other caution on the Webbing of locs: I know a number of people who don't mind having their (physical) address printed in a fanzine, but are very paranoid about having it appear online.

'"Finn is an Irish Name." You're probably right, though the only concrete evidence I recall is the term "Mickey Finn."'

[ VMG: Finn is also the name of a mythical Irish house-painter who was (in the song of old) killed in a fall. Lying in state, his friends and relations gather to mourn him in the traditional way, with singing, dancing and liberal drinking. One of the mourners accidentally knocks a whiskey jug over onto the corpse, and Finn rises from the dead to dance and drink again.

That is the central tale of Joyce's Finnegans Wake. Thus the lack of an apostrophe: Finn Again Wakes. ]

[ APH: Ted White's columns on driving have really hit a nerve with lots of our readers, including VICKI ROSENZWEIG (33 Indian Road # 6R, New York, NY 10034: ]

'What worries me about Ted's discussion of aggressive driving is a statistic that I came across some years back, to the effect that 80 percent of Americans consider themselves above-average drivers. At least some of those people are mistaken, but may be encouraged in their recklessness by an assertion that aggressive driving is good driving. While I think Ted has many of his facts right, it might be wiser for him to emphasize that an alert driver is a good driver, and an experienced driver is a good driver. (In a country where a couple of hundred people were fatally shot last year by fellow drivers who disapproved of their driving, "aggressive" has unfortunate connotations.) If fast reflexes were enough, drivers under 25 would get better auto insurance rates than older people, instead of worse. With regard to Dale's letter, I don't see how driving at the speed limit, and thereby forcing the people to do the same, endangers anyone. I assume that he would pull over for an ambulance if one came up behind him with its siren running. I also find it disconcerting that so many people believe that there is a portion of the highway reserved for those who are breaking the law. I believe that the left lane is supposed to be a passing lane, not a "going at 85 unless the state troopers show up" lane. When an even flow of vehicles generally desirable, the faster the flow is, the greater the danger if something goes wrong -- your tire blows out, or the driver ahead of you has a heart attack.'

[ VMG: Your points about driving deserve a response. The Speed Limit is one obvious point on which Ted (I'm guessing) and I will not agree with you. There is a deep disrespect in this nation for the speed limit. It should be that the same moral imperative that keeps us from murder would also keep us from speeding, but it doesn't. The roads allow for fast travel, the cars have no problem with it, and even cops not on a call speed. One can argue that this is wrong, but one can't make it go away without increasing the penalties significantly.

It should also be noted that speeding includes the range of speed higher than the speed limit; there's a lot of difference between 70 and 85 mph. Speed has a lot to do with the mayhem created, obviously. So, for that matter, does the vehicle's mass (should that also be regulated?). But I do think that "forcing" anybody to do anything on the road is foolish. I sometimes don't feel like driving my typical 70 mph. But I don't drive in the fast lane when I'm doing 60. Thus, those who want to speed aren't frustrated by my laziness, and I'm not threatened by their speed. Although freak events like tire blowouts and heart attacks do cause crashes, most accidents are caused by people who don't know what's going on around them. The best drivers are very aware of other vehicles, and work hard to reduce the chances of an accident by keeping themselves out of potentially dangerous situations. I would submit that changing lanes to the fast lane in heavy traffic, while doing the speed limit, is an inherently dangerous and stupid act that might kill not only the "good" (non-lawbreaking) driver, but also the evil one, his three kids, and the bunch of stoned kids in the VW bus one lane over. ]

[ APH: Okay, let's adopt your position for the sake of argument. Speeding is bad. People should not do it. Does this fact keep them from doing it anyway? No. Should one cruise along in the passing lane, where people are frequently known to drive 80 miles per hour without much care, in a freelance effort to enforce the speed limit? I agree that it would be better on the whole if people obeyed the law, but assuming that they will or attempting to coerce them into doing so seems the height of folly to me.

Speaking of which, here's MIKE SIDDALL (133, Duke Street, Askam in Furness, Cumbria, LA16 7AE UK, e-mail to mds@askamite.demon.co.uk): ]

'Dear Fanzinemeisters of Apparatchik,

'I write to inform you that you have been the victims of a cruel and probably libellous deception. I refer of course to the foul slurs with which a certain Mr. D. Hicks recently sullied the fair pages of your excellent publication.

'In particular I refer to his comment that I was "livid" on hearing of your praise for his fanzine column. This is does not quite accord with my recollection. As I remember I called him on another matter, and asked in passing if he had seen the latest Apparatchik, to which he replied that he "might have glanced at it".

'"Dave," I said, "how can you be so cool? The mighty Hooper has declared yours to be 'the only serious fanzine column in England' . . ." I was interrupted by a distinctly sniffy tone, "What he actually said was 'fanzine column in the English-speaking world', so get it right you poor, sad little un-mentioned tosser."

'Of course there are two ways of looking at this; one is that Dave was unbalanced by such heady praise in such a prestigious publication as yours, the other is that Hicks is a monstrous egomaniac given to unwarranted abuse of harmless, innocent bystanders such as myself.

'You must choose which you believe, but bear in mind that, notwithstanding the unfortunate demise of Critical Wave, there are Plans Afoot to keep the Hicks fanzine column alive. In this matter the stance taken by Seattle fandom could tip the scales. Fanzine reviewing stands in balance.

'You have a grave responsibility to discharge.'

[ APH: And that's not all I have to discharge, Sunny Jim. Personally, I'd love to see all of the current English writers given to writing fanzine reviews anthologized in a quarterly bulletin of some sort, so all the egoboo and lumps could be doled in out one massive dog-choking wad. Then, someone could review the collection in turn, and . . .

We turn now to one of the Apparatchiki, LESLEY REECE (1521 15th Ave. Apt. F, Seattle, WA 98122, e-mail to lreece@u.washington.edu), also moved to comment by Ted White's article in #69: ]

'I knew by the "disclaimer" at the head of Ted White's "Dr. Fandom Shifts on the Fly" that something fantastic was coming up. I was correct. His claim that he has a certain "instinct" about driving that allows him to "react immediately," without thinking about it first, isn't unbelievable. But the idea that this could possibly be a "hard-wired" male genetic trait is.

'I do have to give Ted credit for backpedaling. It means he realized that among Apak's readership there would be a female who would come galloping up crying "Ted, you're wrong!" I am she.

'I won't drive, but I am a jaywalker par excellence. I became one by using the very thing Ted describes, a certain internalized skill in judging speed and distance that tells me when it's safe to go and when it isn't, regardless of what the traffic lights say. Often, my plans are foiled by the other type of driver Ted mentions, the kind who have to "consciously consider" what they're doing. These are the people who screech unnecessarily to a halt in front of me, thus changing all the variables in the equation and screwing things up for me and others on the road.

'The same ability of being able to "sense" what you are doing without thinking about it comes in handy in a lot of other areas of life. When I worked in a shipping room, I was the fastest box-taper there, because I just taped the things up without wondering "Is the tape going to stick right? Will it hold the box closed? Is it straight?" Box-taping might not seem very significant, but it's harder than it looks, and when you have to do something for eight hours every day you want it to be as painless as possible.

'I'm not convinced that this "sense" is something I was born with. (There's always the possibility that I'm an xy female, but let's assume for the moment that I'm a standard xx version.) I do think, however, that many women possess this trait and either don't know about it or are afraid to use it. Standard socialization for women in America usually includes endorsements of passivity. Many women get the message that they should think of themselves last, and making a turn without considering how the other drivers might feel about it therefore goes against their training. In other words, being aggressive just isn't "nice." Maybe that's what accounts for Ted's not knowing of any women who share his ability.'

[ APH: Finally, covering issues 66 to 68 is CHRISTINE BZDAWKA (909 Walnut St., Verona, WI 53593): ]

'Why do aliens perform rectal exams? You'd think another orifice, closer to the brain, would be the hole of choice. (Perhaps that's where they think our brains are -- is it that obvious?) Or, is this just another example of our own fears, "personified?" Isn't most/all sensational fiction based on subconscious cultural concerns or fears? Also, do you think that people who don't have time to burn, like the Somalians or Bosnians, gather together on Friday nights to watch the X-Files or the latest "aliens are really among us" program? . . .

'Mr. White's story about winding his way through the pile-up reminded me of an incident this last Christmas on the way to my mom's house in Milwaukee. It was snowing, with a little freezing rain, on I-94, when we came over this rise, doing about 50 mph, and there in front of us were a number of cars strewn around the highway and in the ditches. I told the boys to hang on, tried the brake, and felt the fish-tailing start. So I ignored the brake, shifted into low gear (on an automatic), and slowed down just enough to maneuver around the cars without incident. It took about five miles, going about 20 mph, to stop breathing like a winded horse and forget the roaring in my ears, but we were safe (yippee!). I must take issue with Mr. White's characterization of those who won't drive as "non-aggressive" -- there are many reason for aggressive drivers to maintain speeds under 55, like their car won't go any faster.

'I'm sure that nipples the size of thumbs are entrancing, but I can't help wondering if they feel good to the owner, especially in the cold. I'd love to hear from Cherie (or anyone else with this trait) about the practicality of having nipples the size of thumbs. Also, does anyone ever look her in the eye? . . . .

'I'd just like to thank Ted White for clearing up a long-standing conundrum for me. I have loved this particular song heard on '60s radio for years, but always seemed to miss the announcer's identification of this girl group. Alas, it was the Shangri-Las (now I need to identify the song). The singer is speaking to a guy spreading rumors while her boyfriend is away, and tells said guy that he "bedder shutch yer mout" -- exact words. Mr. White's description is totally correct -- these girls were tough and ready to kick some ass, or get their boyfriends to do it if they were feeling kind of feminine that day. I've got to find their Best of collection. Thank you, again.'

[ carl sez: Your personification hypothesis resembles one I've seen suggesting that the now-generic reports of abduction and bodily invasion in some way work on a trans-personal level as a reflection of our "alienated" technocratic selves. Or perhaps this is all just a massive covert response to a impending epidemic of colorectal cancer, and the Grays are trying to help us contain our health care costs.

Skeptics might note that the current blooming of the alien cultural trope was predicted twenty years ago by Jacques Vallee, who argues in Messengers of Deception that whatever we may think of the reality of the phenomenon or its origins (to this day there is no compelling evidence of extraterrestrial origin), belief in UFOs has successfully incorporated itself into our society as a shared cultural metaphor not despite but because of its irrational qualities. Such qualities repel "serious" investigators, leaving a wide open field for hoaxers, cultists, profiteers, and the willfully credulous. ]

[ APH: The song in question is "My Boyfriend's Back." I'd like to note in closing that we received more than 25 letters and cards between last issue and this one, giving us a response rate of greater than 10% of the mailing list. No fanzine could hope for better than that; I only wish we had room to print all (well, almost all) of them.

WAHF: Jae Leslie Adams, Harry Andruschak, Pamela Boal, rich brown, Garth Danielson, Tom Feller, Tommy Ferguson, Mike Glicksohn, Steve Jeffries, Eric Lindsay, Murray Moore, Joseph Nicholas, Greg Pickersgill, and Dave Rike. Thank you all for taking the time to write. ]

I noticed Spaak across the room attempting to stuff the required 4 million marks into the gumball machine

[APAK logo] Issue #70, November 22nd, 1996

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Previous article: Stairmaster vs the Flying Monkeys, by Lesley Reece.

Next article: Fanzine Countdown, by Andy Hooper.