
Description of the PDF
210798.pdf 16809994
US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Special NIK Report: Investigations Involving the Internet and Computer Networks (January 2007)
210_ruehle.pdf 516094
The Bomb for Beginners: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Going Nuke in a Few Easy Steps, by Michael Ruhle. (February 2010)
816-4816-10.pdf 130890
How Hackers Do It: Tricks, Tools and Techniques, by Alex Noordergraaf, Enterprise Server Products, Sun BluePrints Online (May, 2002)
cia_fj.pdf 24829831
The CIA "Family Jewels" - 700+ pages of previously-classified CIA documents of wrongdoing and subterfuge. (June, 2007)
counterfeit0808.pdf 422680
The Counterfeit Kit: Your "Expert" Guide to Counterfeit Money Detection (2007)
demonhack.pdf 70459
The Demonization of the Hacker, by Mihai Nadin (1994)
fbi2006.pdf 1631226
CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey from the Computer Security Institute by Lawrence A. Gordon, Martin P. Loeb, William Lucyshyn and Robert Richardson (2006)
googlehackers.pdf 649522
The Google Hacker's Guide: Understanding and Defending Against the Google Hacker, by Johnny Long (March 19, 2004)
lsiguide.pdf 5754575
The LSI Guide to Lockpicking: A Locksport Primer
nisrphishing.pdf 1891643
The Phishing Guide: Understanding and Preventing Phishing Attacks, by Gunter Ollmann, Professonal Services Director, NGSSoftware Insight Security Research (September, 2004)
palmer.pdf 1375530
Ethical Hacking, by C.C. Palmer, IBM Systems Journal, Volume 40, Number 3 (2001)
thinkhacker.pdf 41818
Thinking Like a Hacker, by Eric Schultze, Chief Security Architect, Shavlik Technologies (March 7, 2002)

There are 12 files for a total of 54,124,262 bytes.