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Stargazing: Old fans but not tired |
written by Peter Weston | posted by victor
on Friday October 15, @12:03PM
from the going-home-again dept.
Peter Weston has enjoyed a feast of nostalgia over the last two years, writing 130,000 words of his fannish memoirs, the release of which was timed with his fan guest of honor stint at Noreascon 4. And the online supplement to the book is growing every day. But having brought the memories together only whetted his appetite for the real thing. I am quite pleased to present this report on "re-Repetercon," written by Peter Weston as the first installment of a regular column for Trufen.net:
"So there we were, twenty-odd brave veterans of the 1964 Peterborough convention and our wives, gathered together at last with a couple of 'observers' in the form of youthful Mark Plummer (born that very year) and Claire, a mere babe in arms. Back again at 'The Bull', scene of such innocent, early revelry, a hotel which had changed beyond all recognition in the interim, and so had some of the fans.
"During set-up on Friday afternoon for example, I was approached by a lean, bespectacled chap with a grey goatee who looked at me expectantly. It might almost have been my old pal Geoff Winterman, except that he's living peacefully with his camera in remotest Wales. 'It's no good,' I confessed. 'Who ARE you?'"
Click Read & Comment for more. Update: 10/16 14:08 GMT by V: Fixed a typo, and I also added the "Team photo" taken of re-Repetercon's membership.
It was Jim Linwood, my old Spinge tormentor and more recently news-group mentor. A bumpy start, then, though after apologising I was relieved to see that no-one else recognised Jim, either. After that it got easier. Marion appeared, a little shy in mauve, and fell into instant conversation with Eileen, while Dave Barber and George Locke continued a discussion they had left off at their last convention in 1966. Along to the bar we trooped, and the rest of the crew started to come out of the walls (just as it was my round), Harry Harrison and Ken Slater, Doreen and Ina, Peter Mabey and Ted Ball, and international jet-setters Bill & Mary Burns. Soon we were away down Memory Lane, helped by the generous selection of historical 'artefacts' brought along -- Keith Freeman gave me the programme book from the ill-fated 'Sci-con', while George had reprinted Ella Parker's Cry 173 1/2 with its spoof report of the '64 convention.
A few people missed the first night; Dicky Howett and wife Margaret checked-in early next morning but he soon became star of the show with his 'long-lost' fan-film. This showed footage of the young Chris Priest and Charles Platt in stunning clarity, along with scenes from Ella Parker's last gathering in the Penitentiary and Rog Peyton's party the following night in Birmingham, documenting their journey up the newly-built and eerily-empty M1 as it was in late 1963.
Ron Bennett finally arrived on Saturday afternoon after an exhausting five-hour train journey, and long-time absentee Alan Rispin was even later, driving 200 miles to walk in with perfect timing to take long-distance greetings from his old pal Bruce Burn in New Zealand. Back in the early 1960s, Alan, Bruce, Jim and Marion were neighbours in the Kingdon Road slan-shack, and during dinner we were privileged to hear a few stories of those great days when the BSFA was young and Michael Moorcock still talked to science fiction fans. After that, Rog Peyton and I sat up to 1.00 a.m. at the feet of Keith and Bill, both trying to convince us how easy it really was to set up a web-site.
Was the Reunion worth the trouble? We all thought so, and several attendees were galvanised into renewed interest in fandom -- expect a few more members soon in a news-group near you. Peter Mabey loaned me some of his historic slides (which will show up on eFanzines.com any time now), Dick Howett took orders for copies of his film (likely to win 'Best Dramatic Performance' at Interaction), and Claire enjoyed being the youngest person in the room. We all plan to do it again in another forty years!
by Peter Weston for Trufen.net
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Stargazing: Old fans but not tired
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Victor, You missed one of those "Re-"s. It was re-Repetercon; in other words, the second repeat at Peterborough. Geddit?
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Hey. I was directed to this site. Curt P said you would have David Kyle's email address. I'd appreciate it if you could E that to me at
"maw022577@aol.com" -- Morgan Wallace.
I've written an article about Gnome pbs, and
would love any additional comments or answers
to questions that I had left hanging in the wind!
I don't have it, I'm afraid, though I'm sure *somebody* around here does... The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. --Jon Stewart
I have Dave Kyle's e-mail address but am a little reluctant to pub it on this "public" area. e-mail me privately (keithf@bluebottle.com) and I'll let you have it. Mark you I certainly won't guarrantee you'll ever get any response !
Victor will get that fixed as soon as he's back from his three-Dasani lunch!
Yeah, I geddit!
Sorry about that; it's now fixed. My eyes slip past those "re"s pretty fast. I would have fixed it earlier, but a mild fever has been added to my cold, and I slept for a long time after posting it. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. --Jon Stewart
As one of the old fans dragged out by Peter I'd like to thank him very much for doing all the organising and chasing.
It was an enjoyable weekend and I'm sure I speak for all who were there when I say my only argument with Peter is "we want you to organise another one long before forty years" !
I've added a page of ReRepetercon photos by Peter Weston and Bill Burns at eFanzines.com [efanzines.com], along with a 1964 con report by Harry Nadler.
The primary is that which is inseparable from the body, the derived is that which proceeds from the body conveying to the surface of the wall the form of the body causing it. --Leonardo Da Vinci
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